John and Jennifer McGuire-Haste Overcomer Scholarship

This fund shall be used to make scholarship grants to students enrolled in the College of Business at the University of Wyoming. To be eligible for this scholarship award an applicant must also be a non-traditional student or a single parent who has, or is in the process of, overcoming adversity. Applicants are also required to submit an essay describing themselves and how they have overcome or are in the process of overcoming adversity in their life.

College of Business
Supplemental Questions
  1. How do you consider yourself a non-traditional student? (answer all questions)
    • 1. Are you 25+ years old?
    • 2. Are you a child of deceased parents?
    • 3. Are you a ward/dependent of the court?
    • 4. Are you a US Armed Forces Veteran?
    • 5. Are you married?
    • 6. Are you responsible for dependents?
    • 7. Are you working on a Masters or Doctoral degree?
  2. Please submit an essay describing yourself and how you have overcome or are in the process of overcoming adversity in your life: