Dr George E Menkens Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship supports Ph.D. candidates in ecology, evolution, wildlife, or fisheries who have completed their prelims and are in the advanced stages of their graduate careers. Funds may be used for research support or for one or more semesters of student stipend. Applicants must be graduate students in the department of Zoology and Physiology.

Previous awardees are not eligible. If you have received this award in the past, please do not apply.

Submit a single pdf with:

(a) 5-page NSF-style research proposal that includes Introduction, Objectives, Approach, References, and Budget sections.

    * Budget: if applying for a stipend, you may request anything from summer to a full year of support; if applying for research support, describe what the funds will be used for. In either case, clearly justify your budget request by describing how the support will enhance your research productivity and future success.

(b) No more than 2 page CV that includes names and contact information for 2 references.

College of Agriculture -- Life Sciences and Natural Resources (ALSNR), Zoology and Physiology
Supplemental Questions
  1. Submit a single .pdf file that includes:

    (a) 5-page NSF-style research proposal that includes Introduction, Objectives, Approach, References, and Budget sections.

      Budget: if applying for a stipend, you may request anything from summer to a full year of support; if applying for research support, describe what the funds will be used for. In either case, clearly justify your budget request by describing how the support will enhance your research productivity and future success.

    (b) No more than 2 page CV that includes names and contact information for 2 references.

  2. Please briefly describe your current funding for tuition, stipend, and research. How might this change in the next year?