Arts and Sciences Summer Independent Study Awards for Undergraduate Students

A limited number of awards, up to $3000.00 each, will be made to College of Arts and Sciences students for summer projects in research or creative endeavor individually conducted under sponsorship and with supervision of a faculty member. The purpose of these awards is to encourage and assist students considering or beginning research or creative activity in any discipline in the college. Please address questions to A&S Dean’s Office ( or Eric Wodahl (

Preference will be given to projects which are:
• New or at seminal stages rather than established. The student’s own project rather than a segment of faculty research. If part of a student’s overall undergraduate research, the project can be part of a continuum of that research, but must be a distinct project within that continuum.
• Capable of completion in one summer.
• Able to identify specific activities that will take place.
• Able to identify tangible outcomes that documents successful completion of project. Examples include, but are not limited to, readings, recitals, reports, presentation to a department seminar or brown bag, etc.
1. Recipients must be enrolled during the 2025 Spring Semester and enrolled for at least one credit hour during the 2025 Summer Semester, both in an academic major in the College of Arts and Sciences. If awarded, funds will be deposited into student’s account on the first day of their summer registered course.
2. Previous recipients are not eligible.
3. Recipients are expected to work full time during the summer on their projects.
4. Recipients agree to submit a report summarizing their results by September 12, 2025.
5. Applications will need to include a letter of support from a faculty sponsor.
6. Submission of a complete application through UW’s online scholarship program.

Deadline for applications: March 3, 2025
Announcement of Awards: March 28, 2025 (please do not make inquiries before this date)
Research: Summer 2025

All recipients of a 2025 Summer Independent Study award are required to submit 3 things to the Dean’s office by Sept 12, 2025:
1. A final report by you the student (limited to one page)
2. A brief report by your project sponsor/mentor (a paragraph or two is all that is necessary)
3. Please be prepared to create a presentation. The Arts and Sciences Deans Office will select certain recipients and ask for presentations at the Fall Board of Visitors Meeting.

DEADLINE: March 3, 2025

Questions concerning scholarships should be addressed to:
A&S Dean’s Office ( or Eric Wodahl (

College of Arts and Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Office
Supplemental Questions
  1. You MUST be majoring in the College of Arts & Sciences to qualify for this opportunity. Are you currently majoring in the College of Arts and Sciences?
  2. Title of Project
  3. Concise Summary of Project (in clear, non-technical terms)
  4. Attach an unofficial college transcript; PDFs and Word docs are recommended (for help, please visit
  5. Description of the Project by the applicant (not more than 3 pages double-spaced; 12 pt. font) that is understandable by persons not in the discipline.
  6. Budget Page (If the total cost of the project exceeds $3000.00, specific information must be provided regarding the source of the balance funds)
  7. Letter of Support: Please provide contact information for a faculty sponsor reference letter to be requested.
  8. If using human or animal subjects in research, proof of UW's Human Subjects Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval or UW's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval documentation or that you are working to obtain approval is required (for help, please visit or If you are using human or animal subjects in research, what is the status of your approval documentation?
  9. When applicable, please upload appropriate approval documentation for human and animal subject research.
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