ASUW Opportunity for Excellence Scholarship

The purpose of the ASUW Opportunity for Excellence Scholarship is to help cover the unmet financial need of deserving students at the University of Wyoming. Student applicants will be evaluated for the Scholarship based on demonstrable financial need.

To be eligible for the Scholarship, applicants must:

  1. Be enrolled in the University of Wyoming and have ASUW fee paying status.
  2. Submit a personal statement of no less than 500 words detailing how the Scholarship would affect them and their academic careers.
  3. Submit a resume.

Selection will be made during the Spring semester for the upcoming academic year.

Associated Students of the University of Wyoming (ASUW)
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please provide a personal statement of no less than 500 words detailing how you have achieved academic success despite any financial hardships you may have faced?
  2. Please provide a copy of your resume: